Father’s day is just few days away. He is someone who has always been there for you. Someone who knows what makes you happy and sad. Someone who can understand the smallest changes in you and handle likewise. In other words, dads are the ones whose love for us knows no bound.
Thus, we have selected some of the most beautiful ad campaigns over the years that helped in making this day extra special.
On pretext of the Father’s Day, the clothing company brings one of the most beautiful narratives of this special day. This is also a salute to all the single mothers who are bringing up their kids.
TVS Scooty
How to surprise your dad when he is the one that knows all about you? Well, you will certainly get some idea from this advertisement.
The first hero we know in life who slowly became our friends. Watch this video that celebrates the special bond of love, friendship, and understanding between a father and his child.
It is one of the most touching story where a son tries to recreate the childhood dream of a father. We bet you cannot control your tears after watching.
How much do we know what is inside their heart? Father’s are often the ones who keep away their hurt to put a smile on your face. See this amazing video to experience the wave of love between a father and his son.
What is your father for you? Is he the common man with the cap or the best mentor you ever had? Watch this video to see what their dad meant for them.
Bank Bazaar
Who is the first one to teach you all about money, savings, and planning? Of course for most it is our father. Watch this video to get a warm feeling about the same.
These kids talk about their dad on Father’s day. However, wait till you see the end when they introduce their dads.
Which one you liked the most? Let us know in the comments below.