You all must have seen the trailer of Akshay Kumar’s new movie Toilet: Ek Prem Katha. Starting on a funny note, the trailer actually rings up a very serious issue. It shows the issue of open defection.
Even before the release, there is some good news on the way for the movie. Do you know what is it?
As this movie is about a social issue, open defecation, so it will be made tax free in all the BJP run states.
Recently, a source from the side of government quoted the following, “The Government has decided to implement an entertainment tax exemption in all BJP-run states. Toilet: Ek Prem Katha is not merely a film, but also a tool for social reform. And, this film deserves to be seen by all. Therefore, it deserves to be made tax free.”
We believe it is a very welcoming move. Do you think this film will make any impact? Let us know your thoughts in the comment below.