Enough of roaming the whole market while holding that giant Rs 2000 note in your hand. Ending the horror of several months, RBI has finally stopped printing Rs 2000 notes now and is all set to launch Rs 200 notes as a better alternative in the market soon.
Does that mean Rs 2000 notes will remain with no value?
No. They will still have the value. It’s just that RBI will not print more notes of Rs 2000.
As per report, The RBI’s focus is now on printing small bills are aimed at bridging that gap.
As per source, about 3.7 billion 2,000-rupee notes amounting to Rs 7.4 trillion have been printed earlier. That more than compensates for the 6.3 billion 1,000-rupee bills withdrawn from November 8.
“Most of the printing that’s being done, about 90% is only 500-rupee notes. Nearly 14 billion pieces of new 500-rupee notes have been printed so far.”
When will Rs 200 notes arrive in market?
It is said that, RBI’s Mysore press has started printing the new 200-rupee bills, which are likely to come into circulation next month.
The source quoted-
“Initially, around a billion 200-rupee notes are expected to hit the market.”
Isn’t that big news?