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This woman has unique way to raise voice against domestic.

Powerful Pictures Opening Up The Dark Truth Of Domestic Violence Against Women

Domestic Violence

Violence is nothing but a choice or an option that an abuser makes. Whatsoever, violence in any form is just unacceptable and if it’s the most baleful domestic violence against a woman, it is no less than a heinous crime.

To be honest, one in every four women has been controlled and abused by her partner, making her as a soft target of domestic violence. Well, a sensitive topic like Domestic Violence can never be ignored and hence to throw a light on it, a woman has shared her touching pictures to depict the brutality of a violent relationship.

She’s Ebony Malika, the courageous woman who had been in a two-year-long relationship with her abusive partner. Being a make-up artist by profession, she put up her skills and expertise to show the heartbreaking experience she had with her partner into this photo series.

Domestic Violence

The 2-year-long relationship was no less than a nightmare for Ebony. She was subjected to physical, emotional and mental assault during that period of time.

Domestic Violence

Love is blind and I guess the proof is Ebony’s relationship. She, in the beginning, kept bearing the torture and started being ‘used to’ of those abuses that her partner threw at her.

Domestic Violence

Ebony mentions

“I didn’t have the understanding that if something is clearly and obviously unhealthy for us, we have to let it go no matter how much you love the person. The worst part about that relationship was the mental abuse that I was encountering. It really took a toll on my life, from school to my relationships with the people around me.”

And maybe this made her see all these violent acts as NORMAL.

Domestic Violence

But soon Ebony discerned that she is the not the one she used to be. She shouldn’t tolerate violence and these all reasons were enough to help her in moving on while escaping from her abusive relationship.

Domestic Violence

Well, by now the brave lady has become a new voice for all those victims who are still facing such domestic violence in their lives. She is sharing her experience and is happy while receiving tremendous support from many people around her. She’s truly an epitome of courage.

Domestic Violence

Salute to Ebony and all those women who have been through domestic violence and came out as a real gem while defeating all their fears. Indeed! Women are no less than men.

Domestic Violence

Like Ebony, there are many such women who have faced or have been going through domestic violence. And in developing country like India, there are thousands of cases like Ebony. So, for all those women here’s a briefing about Domestic Violence Laws that a woman should know for her protection and well-being.

Section 3 of the ‘Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act of 2005’ speaks

Any act, omission or commission or conduct of the respondent shall constitute domestic violence in case it:

  1. i) Harms or injures or endangers the health, safety, life, limb or well-being, whether mental or physical, of the aggrieved person or tends to do so and includes causing physical abuse, sexual abuse, verbal and emotional abuse and economic abuse;
  2. ii) harasses, harms, injures or endangers the aggrieved person with a view to coerce her or any other person related to her to meet any unlawful demand for any dowry or other property or valuable security;

iii) has the effect of threatening the aggrieved person or any person related to her by any conduct mentioned in clause (a) or clause (b);

  1. iv) Otherwise injures or causes harm, whether physical or mental, to the aggrieved person.’

Domestic Violence Needs to Be Stopped Before It’s too Late

Punishment for the domestic violence is imprisonment for up to 3 years and fine (depending on the conditions). The complaint is to be filed by the victim herself or any relative on her behalf. There are several other provisions designed for the protection of women against violence.

Woman Covering Her Face In Fear Of Domestic Violence

Well, it’s a plea to all: Start spreading awareness and encourage everyone to contribute in ending women and girl’s abuse.



Powerful Pictures Opening Up The Dark Truth Of Domestic Violence Against Women

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