The Bollywood actress turned International star Priyanka Chopra’s inspiring professional journey has never been hidden from all of us but the actress has always maintained to keep her personal life away from the limelight. No doubt, the 35-year-old year actress has been linked to a number of celebrities in her long acting career but never has she revealed her relationship status publicly.
But now we guess that we have got hold of PeeCee’s relationship status and it comes out to be COMPLICATED. Here’s the proof:
Priyanka Chopra has come a long way in her career. Time and again it has proved that our PeeCee has always managed to create a mystery around her love life and mystery man but that still we have tried to decode the actress’ relationship status.
See these Instagram posts that would help you understand better.
This beautiful rose indicates the “Love is in the air”.
When PeeCee tells the definition of LOVE.
It feels that our lady is in dilemma of being into this ‘love and relationship phase.’
Another proof that PeeCee is in doubt.
The actress is looking forward to good things, we guess, a lovely relationship.
Whoa! Finally, she revealed… It’s complicated, guys.
These cryptic Instagram posts gave us all the feels we needed to know about Priyanka’s relationship status. Right guys?
Well, her posts have kept us guessing about who would be that lucky guy of Baywatch actress. What do you think, any guesses?